Mudras are hand gestures that work with the circuitry of energy in the body, direct the flow of PRANA (life force energy), and assist us with our emotional and mental clarity. Mudras help raise our energy when fatigued, calm us when agitated, help build natural self-confidence, open our heart to receive love, empower us with courage and fearlessness, and ultimately call us home into harmony with the whole of our life.
Core Energetics: 50 Hour Immersions
Core Energetics: Prana Vayus, Doshas, Gunas
A 50 Hour Advanced Training for Yoga Teachers
with Sonya Genel ERYT500
At its heart, yoga is a process of transformation. But for transformation to occur, we need to develop a deep understanding of who we are on every level, and which tools and practices will help us evolve.
View PostRasa Yoga 200 Hour Teacher Training 2019
Join Sonya Genel E-RYT500 and a collective of special guest teachers for this unique opportunity to deepen your yoga practice and learn the essential skills to become a great teacher. Dive into powerful studies that combine the logical mind with intuitive flow, the scientific with the mystical traditions, and the conscious with the subconscious to unlock deep reservoirs of creative energy within you!
View PostYoga Beyond Asana: Mantra, Mudra, and More!
In recent years, the physical practice of yoga has grown very popular and spread all over the world. But now yogis everywhere are ready for more than asana! The magic of Yoga lies within the integration of the practices: asana, pranayama, mantra, mudra, meditation, and more.
Urban Priestess Mystery School – Registration closes Aug 29th!
What if all women started looking to each other for inspiration, support, and truly wanting to see each other flourish? What if we said YES to our magic and shared our soul medicine with the world? Join the sisterhood now. Last Day to Register for Urban Priestess Mystery School is August 29th, 2015!
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (Sept-Dec 2014)
This September I am co-leading an extraordinary 200 Hour Teacher Training at Yoga Garden San Francisco. There are a lot of trainings to choose from these days, but this program is truly one of the best! Learn how yoga works and ignite your passion for self discovery and service to others.
200 Hour Teacher Training May 2013
200 Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher Training led by Sonya Genel and Jon Isaacs at the Yoga Garden of San Francisco in May 2013.