We are submerged in an emotional high tide right now and must be sure to take extra good care of our bodies and minds. On Friday, September 16th at 12:05 PM PST we will have a Full moon in Pisces with a Lunar Eclipse, closing this month’s eclipse portal. This moon is a highly emotional one, and it occurs in the midst of mercury retrograde, all being amplified by the power of the eclipse! Do you feel like an energetic tidal wave has swept through your life this month, leaving you in a chaotic messy state? Well, good! You are right on track. This week it is completely acceptable to feel overwhelmed and unclear, especially when it comes to figuring out the future. In fact that is actually the best place to be! Learn to surrender, release control, and flow steadily forward.
Both mercury and this lunar eclipse are squaring Mars, making this lunation an extra raw and edgy one. Furthermore, the eclipse is conjunct to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Chiron reminds us of the magical nature of our wounds. They are painful to process but ultimately when we make a life-long commitment to honoring them they become our greatest teachers.
Over all, this is a time to rest and release. Allow the pisces moon energy to flow through you like a great river. Allow tears to be shed, and old patterns to be healed and released. If things are falling apart right now, let it be! Life is teaching you to surrender. Move forward gently. Be kind to yourself and others. A clear resolution is coming soon. Blessed be.
This is lovely Sonya. Thank you for sharing this wisdom. I am right on track…. feeling all of this and also knowing, at a soul level that I need to allow myself to surrender to the flow.