On Saturday August 29th at 11:35AM PTD the Full Moon in Pisces will be the first of three consecutive Super Moons—when the Moon is full at its closest point to Earth. Dreamy Pisces is a water sign which governs imagination, expanded consciousness, spiritual longing, and mystical experience. We’re also entering into eclipse season again in September, which means these energies will exert a stronger force on all of us.
This Full Moon on Saturday will most definitely heighten your psychic perception, bringing an influx of potent energies. If you aren’t ready for these energies, it maybe a rough wave to ride. If you are open, paying attention to your dreams, visions and insights, then this powerful Moon can be a major stepping stone in your soul evolution. It’s possible to experience a state of overwhelm at this time.. Especially on an emotional level. You may feel an unusually strong urge to escape dealing with reality. Be vigilant! It is not wise to do this. Invite your allies to guide and support you. Be open to feeling some things more fully, and letting other things go. Listen deeply, follow your inner knowing, and watch for magical inspiration. Stay present, trust the process, and surrender to the flow. This can be a beautiful time of release, as soul entanglement are resolved and float away on the astral waters of the great river. Lean into the beautiful unknown and your will find freedom. Don’t try to resist or control it. Everything is happening at exactly the right time, in exactly the right way. Enjoy the magical mystery show!
This moon is also a doorway and initiation into the September Eclipse Window… September 13: Partial Solar Eclipse (Virgo) and September 27: Total Lunar Eclipse (Aries). Eclipse windows have an effect similar to a spiritual power outage—it either throws you off-center, or makes you crystal clear. In other words.. you may feel Zapped! The effects of an eclipse can usually be felt for 3-5 days before and after. Expect the unexpected, and wait for the dust to settle before you act on any eclipse-fueled impulsive decisions or actions. Use August 29th’s Full Moon to clarify your vision, and align with the highest intention for your life at this time. What is yearning and brewing deep inside? Let the light of this moon clarify your dreams and separate them from your delusions. Swim forward into your life with the support of the unseen at your back. Blessed be.