On July 23rd, the dynamic new moon in Leo initiates us into eclipse season. On August 7th there will be a full moon and lunar eclipse in Aquarius. On August 21st, we will have a second Leo New Moon, and a Full Solar Eclipse! Eclipses come in pairs, and the space around them is a powerful vortex time of transformation during which we are presented with growth opportunities at a rapid rate.
During this weekend’s New Moon, Mercury will be almost exactly at the midpoint between the North Node and the August 21 eclipse. So astrologically, Mercury is acting as a direct bridge between this weekend’s New Moon and the August 21 New Moon and solar eclipse. Further more, during this lunar cycle Uranus will station retrograde, Jupiter in Libra will make its 3rd and final square to Pluto in Capricorn, and Mercury will station retrograde, too!
Therefore, there is a direct correlation between the July 23rd New Moon Leo and the August 21st New Moon in Leo + Solar Eclipse. You may want to think about what intentional seeds you will you plant on Sunday. Consider things like: how you think, what you say (and write) and how you say it, how you handle decisions around money, contracts, negotiations, etc., and anything else that relates to how you express yourself in the world. By the time of the August 21 eclipse, Mercury will be retrograde, and you will want to have all your ducks in a row!
This lunation and upcoming eclipse portal is an ideal time for ritual, meditation, and internal clearing. Get centered and pay attention to your thoughts. What are you magnetizing into your life? Where are you being drained of energy?
Create an alter, call in divine support, make time for self care, be mindful of who and what you allow into your personal space (physical and astral). Set some clear boundaries but be compassionate regarding your relationships. Some big shifts are coming and many unseen ancient issues will soon be pulled out into the light.
In recognition of these potent cosmic energies, I am offering the following opportunities to you on Sunday July 23rd:
Moon Circle: Sacred Gathering for Women (6pm on July 23rd) Please RSVP if interested.
Early Bird Deadline for Rasa Yoga 200 Hour Training Ends July 23rd at Midnight! Put down your deposit now to lock yourself into the early Bird Rate and save $250! Click here for more info…
Registration for Earth Body: Retreat to Costa Rica Opens!!! This retreat is sure to sell out. Be the first to sign up and reserve your spot now here…
Big Love to each one of you!
~ Sonya G.