from Kk… This is the time of the year, when we are saturated in darkness, the Dark Goddess reigns; she is the Guardian of the Crossroads, able to see into the past, present, and future at once. The dark time of the year can be experienced as the Dreamtime… the womb of the Goddess, where we grow our vision and dream our lives into being. It is the cauldron, where we are cooked, seasoned, steeped in the wisdom of the Wise Ones. Now that the wheel of the year has turned into the fullness of the Dreamtime, let yourself turn inside, allow the introspection and reflection of this seasonal shift to emerge naturally. Tune in to the whispers of the Ancient Ones, and to your own wise heart. Nest and settle in to the darkness, savor it, until the light returns. Weave your dreams. ~Blessed be. ★
Kk Ledford,