Calling all Yogis who have a strong intermediate/adv. practice to help film beautiful yoga classes and join me for an adventure in Sofia, Bulgaria!
All you have to do is get there, and all other expenses will be covered for you! You will be picked up at the airport and your hotel, transportation, and food is completely covered for your entire stay! When you are not filming classes with me you are free to explore the beautiful mystical ancient city of Sofia.
Dates and Info:
On August 10-15, 2015 I will filming a series of yoga classes at the gorgeous Nuboyana film studios in Bulgaria. Classes will be created through Udaya Yoga, a production company that films and edits the most beautiful cinematic and high quality yoga classes i’ve ever seen! My classes will range from beginner to advanced, and will include short sequences, full length classes, alignment based flow, and therapeutics. These classes will incorporate and emphasize all aspects of yoga… not just asana, but also mantra, mudra, pranayama, and meditation. Once they are filmed and edited they will be posted online in early 2016.
I need you, Yogis! I am looking for people with a steady intermediate ability level.
– You have a regular dedicated practice
– You are able to do alignment in basic poses
– you can hold your focus
– ideally you are able to do intermediate poses such as headstand, arm balances like bakasana & koundiniyasana, and basic backbends like full urdvha dhanurasana.
* You are NOT required to be able to do “fancy” very advanced poses. I am more interested in you ability to listen to instructions, hold steady proper alignment, and demonstrate focus and presence.
Please contact me ASAP if you are interested!!!