New Moon Blessings! At this New Moon in Cancer, we can plant the seeds of our deepest needs and desires, watered by our sense of self-love and compassion.
Cancer–Sign of the Waters of Life, the archetypal Great Mother, is also the sign of our emotional body. This New Moon may bring to light the things you do that sabotage you. Are you buying into those illusions? Practice patience and compassion. Center yourself. This is your opportunity to heal old wounds.
The Cancer New Moon is emotional intensity. Make friends with your feelings. Embrace your dark side. You are both shadow and light. Male and female. You are Yin and Yang. Love all of you. This creates true wholeness. It heals the schisms in your psychology.
Listen deeply and show up completely. Be willing to feel fully as you swoop through the bottom of the dark wave. Right now is the time to align with you most authentic truth, and with you heart’s deepest longing. Listen deeply. Trust your knowing.
Blessed be.